Watchdog Alert: Religion In Politics News

Bible Rebel continues to keep a watchdog’s eye on what’s happening in the world of religion and politics.

The New Era of Religion and Politics

This article discusses the shifting dynamics of religion and politics in the U.S., particularly how former President Donald Trump has altered the relationship between religion and American politics. The old paradigm of political parties being “friendly to religion” is no longer as relevant. See more at Yahoo News

Restoring Friendly Relations Between Freedom and Religion

This piece explores the criticisms faced by Christian conservatives from progressives over the years. It highlights the importance of religious liberty in American constitutional government and the role of religion in fortifying American democracy. See more at MSN News

Religion’s Role in Public Life

According to a Pew Research survey, U.S. adults are more likely to view religion as helpful rather than harmful. The survey also delves into Americans’ opinions on the separation of church and state and the positive and negative effects of organized religion. See more at Pew Research

Religion News on POLITICO

This source provides a variety of news stories and analyses related to religion and politics, including topics such as the influence of Christianity in public schools, the role of religion in the 2024 elections, and the intersection of religion and state policies. See more at POLITICO

Death Row Letters: Soul-Making


Just a follow-up to our last letter concerning the two kinds of evil – natural evil and moral evil.

Let’s look at natural evil first. Why and when does God allow natural disasters and diseases etc. to occur? That’s the question I left off with last time.

As to the ‘why’, there are several theological attempts at answering that question, including the soul-making theory, the eschatological (end times) hope idea, and the mystery of divine providence explanation. I’d like to discuss each of these ideas in turn with you over the next few letters if that’s okay.

So, let’s start with the soul-making theory, which was advocated by a guy named John Hick who once said, “A world which is to be a person-making environment cannot be a pain-free paradise but must contain challenges and dangers, with real possibilities of many kinds of accidents and catastrophes, bringing pain, suffering, and sorrow.”

I take that to mean that God allows natural evil, like earthquakes, floods, and cancer in order to create virtuous people of high character who have been forged in a fire of calamity and danger.

Well, there are some Bible passages which seem to support this view.

1 Peter 1:6-7“In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”

How about this one? James 1:2-4“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

The soul-making theory makes sense in some ways, but the Bible verses I cited here, and some others like Hebrews 12:11 and 2 Corinthians 4:17, don’t come right out and say that God intentionally created, or allows, natural evil in order to produce virtue in folks.

Granted, one of the results when natural evil happens could be perseverance, stronger faith etc., in believers, but other results are definitely the death and injury of innocents, destruction, pain, and massive sorrow and grief.

So, to me soul-making isn’t a completely satisfying answer as to why natural evil exists, it’s more like a possible side positive benefit stemming from some very disturbing and terrible happenings. But let’s continue to consider it as a part of understanding the whole.

In our next letter we should talk about the eschatological (end times) hope idea to explain the occurrence of natural evil in God’s creation. Sound good?

Until then,
Your fellow death row occupant

Watchdog Alert: The Pope, Episcopal Politics, And Church Homeless Camp

Update on Pope Francis

My wife and I just watched the award-winning movie ‘Conclave’ which portrays the political machinations and processes involved in how the Catholic Bishops choose a new Pope when necessary. Very good movie, highly recommended.

The Vatican has been providing regular updates on Pope Francis’ health. The Pope is currently receiving high-flow oxygen therapy and has undergone bronchoscopies to address his respiratory issues. His prognosis remains guarded, and he continues to receive respiratory physiotherapy.More at Catholic News Agency

Episcopal churches offer ‘Ashes To Go’ for Ash Wednesday

As I have pointed out previously, the Episcopal Church is becoming a woke, politically far left-leaning organization which is trying to push the gospel of Jesus Christ and his coming Kingdom as a modern social justice message. Reading the headlines and items from the ENS, linked below, is like reading a political agenda statement.

Episcopal congregations churchwide will begin Lent by offering Ashes to Go on Ash Wednesday, March 5, as a convenience for people unable to attend worship services in the middle of the week.” – More at Episcopal News Service

Montrose judge denies city emergency request to potentially clear church camp for unhoused

We went through the very same issue with a United Methodist Church in my hometown, Great Falls MT, a couple of years ago. We eventually were able to clear the ‘homeless’ camp on the churches parking lot because of the drugs, violence, public defecation, and even prostitution disrupting the homes and businesses surrounding the church.

We didn’t need a court order because our citizens spoke up and the church poobahs gave in and posted trespass notices so that law enforcement could intervene and stop the crimes being committed. The ‘homeless’ folks dispersed soon thereafter.

Yes, we’re to love our neighbors and take care of the less fortunate. But that doesn’t mean we allow our community to be destroyed by irresponsible, many times criminal, people who don’t want to live by the same rules the rest of us have to live by.

At a hearing in Montrose, on Wednesday, Municipal Court Judge Erin Maxwell rejected a city request for an emergency abatement on a camp of unhoused residents sitting on Montrose United Methodist Church grounds. The abatement would have permitted city authorities to go onto private property to potentially clear the camp, which has drawn controversy in recent weeks.” – More at CPR News

The Prosperity Gospel, Part 1

Did Jesus teach the ‘prosperity gospel’? Did the Apostle Paul? Should we? These are some of the questions we’ll attempt to address in this ongoing series.

What is the prosperity gospel?

The prosperity gospel, or the health and wealth gospel, is a theologically based school of thought that teaches that God provides financial prosperity and physical health through faith, positive thinking, and positive affirmations of material success, health and prosperity.

Along with faith and positive thoughts and confessions of course donations to the preachers’ ministry will greatly help seekers along the path to personal success, abundance, and happiness.

It’s basically Norman Vincent Peale, Jim Rohn, and Zig Ziglar all rolled into one, but with some Jesus and a few Bible verses sprinkled in.

Who are the top proponents of the prosperity gospel?

There are several, but here are a few of the most popular and recognizable:

Joel Osteen: Joel Osteen is the senior pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Known for his charismatic sermons and positive affirmations, Osteen’s televised sermons reach over 100 million households in the United States every week. His teachings emphasize the power of positive thinking and faith in achieving financial and personal success.

T.D. Jakes: T.D. Jakes is the founder and senior pastor of The Potter’s House in Dallas, Texas. Renowned for his powerful preaching and motivational speeches, Jakes has written over 40 books, many of which have become New York Times bestsellers. His messages often focus on overcoming adversity and achieving prosperity through faith and determination.

Joyce Meyer: Joyce Meyer is a prolific author and speaker who emphasizes the importance of applying biblical principles to everyday life. Her ministry, Joyce Meyer Ministries, operates in over 200 countries and provides humanitarian aid and support to those in need. Meyer’s teachings often highlight the connection between faith, personal growth, and financial success.

Others include Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, and Paula White.

Is the prosperity gospel biblical – or a scam? We’ll start the deeper exploration of that question in Part 2 of this series coming soon. Stay tuned.