Watchdog Report: Biblical Archaeology

Here are three recent reports from discoveries in biblical archaeology, all from Bible Archaeology Report.

Tomb of Doctor who “Treated the Pharaoh Himself” Discovered in Egypt:

A French-Swiss team of archaeologists discovered a 4,100-year-old tomb at Saqqara belonging to Teti Neb Fu, a doctor who treated the Egyptian pharaoh. The tomb dates to the Old Kingdom period and contains vibrant paintings of Teti Neb Fu’s life and work.

Discoveries Made at Hatshepsut’s Mortuary Temple:

Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass announced several discoveries around the mortuary temple of Egypt’s female pharaoh, Hatshepsut. The excavation team found the temple’s foundation deposit, including stones with Hatshepsut’s cartouche and several tools. They also unearthed nearly 1500 painted blocks from Hatshepsut’s nearby valley temple.

Structure on the Eastern Slope of the City of David Identified as an Ancient Place of Worship:

A recent article in the journal ‘Atiqot interprets a structure on the eastern slope of the City of David in Jerusalem as an ancient place of worship. The structure was in use from the Middle Bronze Age to the mid-eighth century BC.

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Child of God, husband, father, grandfather, rabblerouser, songwriter, pot stirrer, waiting for the King.

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