Watchdog Alert: Christian Charities, Persecution, And Messages

image from Korhan Erdol

Separation of church and state?

This is curious, from an article on Where were the calls for “separation of church and state” for the many years U.S. taxpayer dollars were going to charities controlled and operated by religious denominations?

Evangelical and other Christian charities have not been spared these cuts. Among the organizations that lost funding are such Christian behemoths as World Vision, International Justice Mission, Samaritan’s Purse, and Catholic Relief Services, which at $476 million, was the largest USAID recipient in 2024. Because of the vagueness of the language around which programs would still be funded, some groups pulled back their spending, just in case. “World Vision is responding to the executive order that pauses U.S. foreign assistance funding—with the exception of emergency food assistance—for the next 90 days, while programs are reviewed for alignment with the current administration’s foreign policy,” said the international relief organization in a statement to TIME.

Mormon Easter message

Whatever you might think or believe about the Mormons, this message from President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is spot on and should be echoed by all followers of Jesus Christ regardless of denomination or other creed.

“As we enter this new year, let us prepare for an Easter celebration of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, culminating in His Resurrection — the most glorious event in history,” says President Oaks, speaking on behalf of the entire First Presidency.

How should we do this?

One important way to celebrate, President Oaks says, is to teach the “profound meaning of the universal resurrection.” For Latter-day Saints, he clarifies, “the resurrection means that all who have ever lived will be resurrected — and the resurrection is literal.”

Top 10 countries where Christians are persecuted

Here’s a fascinating and troubling piece from The Baptist Paper detailing the continuing persecution against Christians worldwide.

Last year, 4,476 Christians were murdered for their faith, 7,679 churches and Christian properties were attacked, and 4,744 Christians were imprisoned, reported Open Doors in its annual report that ranks the top 50 countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution.

North Korea remained at the top of this year’s list. Those that followed included Somalia(2), Yemen(3), Libya (4), Sudan (5), Eritrea (6), Nigeria(7), Pakistan (8), Iran (9) and Afghanistan (10). While North Korea and Eritrea struggle with either communist/post-communist oppression or dictatorial paranoia, all of the other countries in the top 10 face Islamic oppression. More than half the countries on this year’s World Watch list struggle with Islamic-related persecution.

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Child of God, husband, father, grandfather, rabblerouser, songwriter, pot stirrer, waiting for the King.

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