Dear Anti-natalists and Nihilists,
In my last letter to y’all I only made it as far as addressing the anti-natalists and didn’t get around to those of the nihilist persuasion. So, I’ll dedicate this letter to those of you who believe that life is meaningless and who reject all religious and moral principles – which is the definition of a nihilist.
You may be right in thinking that your life is meaningless, but that doesn’t mean that all life is meaningless. Right?
And if your life is meaningless and without purpose, well, read on.
Now to the bigger, much bigger, problem: To actually believe that the universe is empty of meaning and purpose is to deny the plain evidence directly in front of you every day.
Is there a purpose to the rain that falls? Of course there is. How about the sun that shines or the wind that blows? Of course, and I don’t need to explain or list the reasons and purposes for those things, everyone already knows and understands them.
Is there a reason behind the way our physical bodies are made to function or the way the planets and moons in our solar system move in predictable cycles? Undeniably and absolutely.
So how can you believe that there is no reason or purpose in our existence?
I’m reminded of this verse from the Book of Romans:
“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.”
Everything has purpose, even you. If you don’t know, believe in, or understand your purpose, then you haven’t looked hard enough or asked the right questions.
Seek, and you’ll find. Knock, and the door will open.
Until my next letter.
Your fellow death row occupant
Child of God, husband, father, grandfather, rabblerouser, songwriter, pot stirrer, waiting for the King.